Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Ethnic Differences in USA Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Differences in USA Essay The US is a diverse country racially and ethnically. The six recognized races are: white, American Indian and Alaska native, Asian, African American, native Hawaiian or other pacific islander, and a people of two or more races. Whites alone constitute 75% of the total population in the US according to the American Community Survey (ACS). Hispanic or Latino ethnicity of any race accounts for 15. 4% of the total. Other ethnic groups counted alone constitute the rest. These groups are African Americans (12. 4%), some other races (4. 9%), Asian (4. 4%), two or more races (2. 3%), American Indian or Alaska native (0. 8%) and native Hawaiian or other pacific islander (0. 14%). These figures add up to more than 100% because Hispanic and Latino Americans are distributed among all the races and also listed as an ethnicity category, resulting in a double count. Immigration to the US is what has made it into such a diverse country. The influx of immigrants in the last 100yrs has totally changed the racial/ethnic group’s arithmetic. Look more: ethnicity examples essay It’s projected that by 2050, the whites will no longer be the majority. The relations among racial or/and ethnic groups have not always been calm. Segregation based on race has been rampant since colonial era. Racist altitudes, or prejudice, are still held by a substantial portion of the US population today. There exists today, both covert and overt discrimination against African American, Latin Americans and Muslims. The issues of treatments of certain races have sparked confrontations and even a war. The truth is that all races or/and ethnic groups have at some point in history faced discrimination including whites. Over time institutional discrimination has been overturned and theoretically any American cannot be refused employment, admission to a school because of his race. But as I have indicated above, there is still lingering prejudice against some minorities. There have been many suggestions on how to deal the problem of discrimination. Personally I think that lack of information is what informs prejudice and stereotyping. Therefore, education on other races and/or ethnic groups is important. The government should institute affirmative action to support marginalized groups and support dialogue among groups. I think the student post depicts separateness and alienation among races and ethnic groups. References O’Hare, W. , Pollard, K. (1999). America’s Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Retrieved July 25, 2010, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3761/is_199909/ai_n8872409/
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Huckleberry Finn ( Huck Finn ) :: Essays Papers
Huckleberry Finn Huckleberry Finn is a loveable timeless classic written by one of the great American authors, Mark Twain. A companion to the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn offers fans a closer look into the life of Huck Finn. Although the novel has similar characters and settings, the theme and moral dilemmas are much stronger than those we saw in Tom Sawyer. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn holds a darker side that Tom Sawyer did. In this piece we see an abused Huck try to figure out where he belongs in the world. He sets off on a journey to see if he can find peace and happiness away from the bonds of society. He is tested many times and in the end Huck ends up back where he started and he gives into the social norms of his time. Huck is a good person, unfortunately society has many different views than him and this difference in opinions pushed Huck away from society. Although Huck has the right views on many things such as Jim, he can not stand up to the pressure of society at this young age. Mark Twain uses the native southern dialect once again to enhance the quality of the setting for his readers. His use of dialogue is frequent and allows the reader to forget that they are in fact reading rather than sitting in on someone’s conversation. Twains’ use of vivid detail and wit amuse and delight readers. Mark Twain used the novel Huckleberry Finn to express a person’s own perceptions in the regards to rejection from civilization. Twain also uses Huckleberry to portray how society might not always be the best way for a person to live, rather choosing their own beliefs and ideas to live by. For example, Huckleberry doesn’t see the use of money and is satisfied with life with out money. Therefore the life of a drifter suits him just fine. There are also many other themes carried out through out the novel.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Scientific Method and Short Science
Do you know what is science? Generally, science is a body that seeks to organize knowledge systematically and in a way that is testable and that allow the process of prediction. We are always finding new discoveries, and we are using more modern tools that are more accurate. If it is in right hands then it is a blessing to man otherwise it can make life miserable. Science has made our live easy and comfortable but on other hands it has also created some destructive instruments which give much power to man that's why we should teach science technically not formally. first we will consider its merits .Science is man's helpmate. In the field of health modern techniques of science are being introduced. Difficult surgical operation have become routine in the field of medicines. it is the science that has helped the blind to see,deaf to hear and lame to walk. Life has been quick,easy and luxurious with the invention of many types of machines i. e air conditioner,mixture,refrigerator etc. I nvention of car,aeroplane and rockets etc have shortened the distance. Atomic energy is another recent scientific achievement. Atomic reactors are producing cheaper source of power and energy.The computer and internet has brought great change in our life. In short science is the key of success. On the other hand science has some demerits also. science has provided us with fearful weapons of human destruction. Science has given us atom bomb and hydrogen bomb. These inventions have opened up with frightful possibilities of bacteriological warfare,all of which can wipe out entire nation in no time. Computer is the most wonderful invention but the misuse of computer is creating many problems like student waste their time in net cafe's and in playing video games. People are going away from healthy way of life.Children learn from their parents, siblings, other relatives as well as from teachers. They learn from movies, television, radio, magazines as well as from schoolbooks and the schoo l environment. Science teachers should exploit the rich resources of the larger community and involve parents and other concerned adults in useful ways. It is also important for teachers to recognize that some of what their students learn informally is wrong, incomplete, poorly understood, or misunderstood, but that formal education can help students to restructure that knowledge and acquire new knowledge.Looking at the two aspects of modern science,we conclude that science by itself is neither good nor bad. it is the will and intentions of man,which makes him,put it to constructive use or take it to the path of devil. Science is knowledge of observation and analyzing facts. There is nothing good or bad with science. It is like knife, which may be used to cut branches of trees or vegetables and at the same time could be used to cut the throat of a man. It is all to man how he uses it.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Effects Of Bullying On Children s Literature
Introduction Bullying is a prominent issue among people of all ages. It has become a huge issue among children in schools. Bullying is a factor that can cause students to want to leave school or to become home schooled. The problem is, many students may not know they are being bullied, what a bully is or what they can do to handle it. In pre schools and elementary schools bullying is a topic that is seen everyday. From a students perspective Pre School and early elementary school is their first look in what â€Å"real†schooling is like and gives them a first impression about making friends and learning. Its important for teachers and staff to stop the bullying problems just as they begin to ensure that the bully won’t continue bullying and†¦show more content†¦30 children between the ages of four and six were interviewed at a preschool. They were asked questions like: What is a bully? The books were then read to the students, and following the reading, the students partic ipated in a quick interview and a visual likert scale to determine their overall feelings toward each book some questions that were asked included what did you think about this book? Was there a bully in this book? Every book was analyzed by two children and the researches recorded how often the students agreed on each question. The students were then given the initial questionnaire and results were noted in comparing the answers before the readings and after. All 30 students were able to identify what a bully is and give examples, this increased from the pre-interview by five students. All students had at least a â€Å"good†understanding of a bully, every student also gave two possible positive things to do if they are bullied – this increased by 13 students who previously said they would hurt them. Finally, all students even said they would speak up if they saw another student being bullied. Article 2: Small-Scale Bullying prevention discussion video for classrooms: Preliminary Evaluation (Todd Migliaccio and Juliana Raskauskas) Todd Migliaccio and Juliana Raskauskas conducted a study utilizing a video source to assist teachers in starting discussions on the topic of bullying. 81 students participated in this study; a survey was sent out 1 month before the
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